Handweavers of Bucks County was formed in 1953 to further the appreciation and understanding of handweaving and its processes by means of study, research, lectures, workshops, exhibits and the sharing of weaving-related experiences among its members. Today guild members share their interests in other fiber-related arts as well. We have experienced spinners, felters, dyers, basket weavers, knitters and bead weaving jewelry artists. The guild includes all levels of talent and experience from beginner to expert craftsman. Any person interested in weaving and fiber arts is welcome to become a member.
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month from September through June. The guild’s business meetings begin at 10:00 AM, usually concluding in time for the day’s program to begin shortly before 11:00 AM. We meet at Trinity Buckingham Church, 2631 Durham Road, Buckingham, PA, which is at the intersection of Routes 413 and 202. Enter through the double doors off the parking area.
At each meeting, there is a show and tell period during which members are encouraged to share their work with other members of the guild. The item(s) can be completed or in progress. A table is set up at each meeting to allow members to donate yarns, equipment, publications and other items related to fiber arts. Members that choose to take items from this table are asked to make a donation of their choice to the guild.
The program committee has put together a fantastic group of workshops and presentations for 2023/2024! We have both in-person and Zoom programs during the year. You won’t want to miss these innovative leaders. Click here for further information.
Annual Show and Sale
Each November, the guild holds its Annual Show and Sale on the Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. Members wishing to sell their work will be expected to contribute at least four hours of their time to help in some capacity, with the preparation, set-up, staffing and take-down of the show. We encourage all members to participate to support the guild.
HWBC is a member of the Handweavers Guild of America (HGA)
We also participate in the Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association (MAFA), a group of regional guilds that organizes a major fiber conference every two years.
Please contact the guild with any questions you may have by selecting the button below.
Workshop weaving in progress
Striped swatches
Colorful warped loom
2021 Donation Table Exchange
Kathrin Weber in front of a table full of her many dyed warps. (2018)